On Saturday night, my husband and I wended our way through the streets of Belmont Shore to reach our destination on 2nd St., where the Belmont Shore Parade takes place in early December each year. Our daughter was a participant that night, and as proud parents, we sat on the sidelines waiting for her to come by as a part of her middle school cheer group. The mood amongst revelers was electric, yet my own was mixed.
Though I love the Belmont Shore Parade with its marching bands, waving children and festive floats, this year I observed the procession through tinted lenses. Since I'm always looking at things hoping to see a "green" slant, I couldn't help but notice there was no evidence of this color hue in the parade--yet. I do believe it's possible to mix the two, providing onlookers with a visible affirmation that Long Beach is in the midst of positive change toward a greener city.
Imagine these as part of a future Belmont Shore Parade:
--vehicles powered by electricity, biodiesel, or veggie oil
--participants carrying banners made from recycled materials (is there such a thing?)
--green business owners joining the parade
--more trash cans placed in conspicuous locations for easy use
--a ban on Silly String. Yes, it's fun. But what a mess--and it stains clothes!
Just some thoughts...